Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Making the LEAP to 5D

A world of 'wonder' awaits us at 5D. Have you been feeling the sense of accelerated energy, enthusiasm and excitement that 'something' is changing. Almost ALL of the treatments with my clients in the last month (august/september 2014) have focussed on "making the LEAP" into 5D.

What's that all about anyways? 

A few years ago the Flying Colors Natural Perfumes began 'coming in' with VERY high vibrational frequencies. To the point where I had to research the dimensions that they were representing. (This site offers a nice summary of the different dimensions: click here.)  It was fascinating to be led by fragrant plant essences into the creative realms of the imagination. Realms that are often perceived as 'unreal or surreal'. Truth is, they are! But they are also accessible. And each dimension holds opportunities for understanding ourselves - from entirely different perspectives!


We are most familiar with 3D - "the dimension of space.  Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height and volume.  Human beings and the higher animal kingdom resonates to this level.  Awareness of oneself as a separate and unique individual – very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions.  The third dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect paradigm through the individual human souls.   As humans we have the ability to remember the past and the future while remaining aware of the present. However, while using only our third dimensional consciousness much of our past remains forgotten in our unconscious mind and we usually feel a sense of separation from the whole, a feeling of limitation in achieving our desires, and a need to work hard to accomplish our goals".


We are 'leaping' into 5D. As your awareness grows, it is much like walking across a rainbow bridge that dissolves behind you. 

"Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume, time and spirit.  Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here.  There is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the One-ness of God/Goddess/All That Is.  On the fifth dimension we live in Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Acceptance. We hold no judgement, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions or aspects of ourselves that are striving to remember our "Higher Selves".  At this level, we are free to create new ways of thinking/being/doing through the seeds of unity consciousness."

Here are some fascinating commonalities:

You can't be in BOTH at the same time. You have to CHOOSE one or the other

Oftentimes clients are confused and don't know why. Do you feel like you are in two places at once? 5D requires a LEAP of faith - a leap that completely moves 'all aspects' of your conscious presence into a new perspective of identification.

5D is where you are MOST COMFORTABLE in your own 'beingness'

No one 'ever' tries to escape or dissociate FROM 5D - it's actually the place we try to escape TO -  from 3D. If you have ever felt like you don't belong, are weird, are compensating for a world that you don't agree with and can't change, a world that requires hard-work, discipline, sacrifice, and for some, substances or behaviours that alter your perceptions just to 'survive' - then that's 3D.

In 5D - you are 100% comfortable in your own skin. There is nowhere to go to 'escape' into yourself, because you are ALREADY there. You don't have to be encouraged because it feels 100% natural and comfortable. You FEEL exactly the correct sense of  internal 'lightness' and there is a natural flow to circumstances that make perfect sense. Energy is not wasted in EFFORT to counter-balance circumstances because 5D is NOT based on duality. It is the HOME BASE of Your higher consciousness.

The Rules are Different

The #1 rule of communication is authenticity, which in 5D is NOT scary. You want to tell the truth. Authentic expression has nothing to hide. You don't have to 'compensate' your sense of being to 'please' anyone or keep the peace. Everyone wants YOU to BE YOU!

Everyone is equal - albeit - unique - we are all encouraged to explore the spark of our own uniqueness (not to blend in with the herd as in 3D). There is no need to compete except for the FUN of challenge. We are all on the same page! Everyone WINS!!

Creativity is what excites us the most - passion and authentic enthusiasm fans our unique 'spark' encouraging us to create something unique with our skills and talents that can serve others. The fulfillment of being able to do this is 100% rewarding and an effortless joy and all the resources needed to do so easily arrive and at just the right time. You look forward to getting UP to explore this each day.

Abundance is natural - everything is backwards to what you have known in 3D. Since 5D is NOT a field of FEAR - you look at challenges as opportunities and take them on with a positive attitude. There is no fear of 'not enough' money. In actuality, your CLIENTS are the ones who are 'blessed' with the abundance to support THEIR 'commitment' to help YOU evolve and develop your creative insights into something that will make a difference AND be of service to others and especially to THEM. In exchange you SHARE a wonderful and reciprocal relationship - both receiving and giving.

So, in short - the money and resources needed to accomplish your co-creative destiny - actually comes to 'others' who are attracted to what you have to offer.  And YES - you can be blessed with a windfall and help whenever you need it.  Besides, your creative motivation is NOT about the money anyways - AND yes, you will be guided to manage your resources efficiently, with most everyone using their skills effectively as entrepreneurs or through the joy of volunteering.

You have to ASK for what you want - in 3D the brain takes full responsibility for the 'control' of outcomes and decisions and mechanisms for getting things done. In effect, we become 'control freaks'- much of the time based on our fears.  In 5D - you have to ASK.  'Not-knowing' is more valuable than thinking you can control everything yourself. Just ASK - wait and recognize opportunity. Then ACT ON IT!!  'Not knowing' is the NEW knowing.

NO-ing follows knowing - if something doesn't feel like a good match - then it's ok to say 'NO'. In the same way as an artist paints a picture - not everything can be included. You'll learn to say NO to things that are a poor match. This IS the right thing to do to manage your energy!

Energy flows with effortless grace - struggle is NOT the norm. You are NOT swimming upstream in 5D.  Effort is replaced by joy and lightness, persistence and 'action' in all areas. Since you are in alignment with your own 'BEINGNESS' its easier to be objective and non-attached. Actions, thoughts, behaviours and outcomes can be accurately observed. Just do what it takes to make appropriate  corrections to the path you are on.

Health and well-being are in balance - when you are in balance with the core energy of your identity (that's what 5D represents) there is a calmness to your being that encourages all aspects to be in balance - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. You can 'easily' commit to making corrections in diet, lifestyle changes and the use of 5D tools to manage your energy efficiently that do NOT upset your internal balance. You will recognize correct 'vibrational' nourishment which your system will respond to by giving you 'good' feelings. Diseases that were diagnosed in 3D will show great improvement and shift into cure accordingly.

Signals of conflicting 3D - 5D fields

-Those in 3D will often try to start an argument with you. Its a way to engage you back into the field of duality. Once you are anchored in 5D - you will be aware of it and can ask questions to help 'elevate' your discussion to a more optimal vantage point based on win-win.

-people may start to yawn or fall asleep while you are talking to them. In effect, sometimes they are just so tired or exhausted from the whole process and feel internally conflicted and just don't know what to do about it. They feel like they are in a no-win rat race spinning their wheels.

-many find that they are over-working and are truly exhausted at a deep level while still feeling unfulfilled. This is a sure sign of 3D burn out!

Instead of trying to 'join them' - you'll find ways to uplift and encourage others. Why, because you will be anchored in your own authenticity and that is relaxing to be around. Also, you may have services or products to offer that can help them in some way.

Why is it such a LEAP?

This is the 'mysterious' ascension - the process of evolution through higher 'conscious awareness'. No one knew the path that it would take and we are just beginning NOW to see the results unfold. Its' exciting! Its' 'entirely' a different perspective and optimally, 5D can coexist at the same time as 3D visibly - but NOT energetically - because the understanding that creates the field itself is so VERY different.

Just LEAP!  Imagine if you will - leaving behind that which you do not want to carry over with you:
-like bad habits and addictions
-behaviour that was a learned mechanism to PROTECT yourself that really doesn't serve you
-learned behaviours that you saw around you that may be damaging to others or yourself
-unreasonable FEAR
-self-defeating thoughts and internal criticism
-any ancestral patterns that YOU and your family have kept running that are self-defeating or hurt others - ie. abuse, alcoholism, addictions etc.
-overworking to avoid 'reality'
-numbing emotional sensations in the body
-3D labels about disease conditions and 3D processes you may be engaged with to sort out these problems. 5D processes are VERY different AND honour a complete balance of science, intuition and technological based advancements.

Just LEAP!  Make a complete LEAP while visualizing everything you are consciously leaving behind being returned to the universe. No ENERGY is ever lost - it is returned to its original state for renewal.

The LEAP is the FIRST STEP! 

We'll continue to tell the story as it unfolds.  To be continued…. 


  1. You've got it down pat, Anita...I am in the midst of becoming and moving towards what you've so brilliantly explained, and this article explains why it is so difficult for most of us who are striving to lift our vibration, and not be pulled back, so often by others and their hangups, into 3-D. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.

    1. Hi Nirvana, Yes its tricky. We are moving into times that allow us an opportunity to truly live through the eyes of our Higher SELF. Quite a different perspective with lots of new opportunities for 'adventure' and to fulfill our destiny in rewarding ways. Please feel free to share your insights. All the BEST to YOU! I think Part 2 is coming soon….
